
Whiz Kid Paul Torrey Jr.

10-year-old baseball player Paul Torrey Jr. wants to play for the Red Sox someday. With his fastball he just might.

It's always nice when siblings can acknowledge each other's talents.

We recently received this email from a Plymouth kid.

"My name is Taylor Farley and I'd like to nominate my brother for Plymouth Patch's Whiz Kid of the week.

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My brother Paul Torrey Jr. is 10 years old. He attends .

His accomplishment is being selected for the VFW team, coached by Jim Hanna. He's only 10 years old and even his coach says he's got the makings of a great major leaguer. He pitches a 59 mph fastball at 10! He's successful because he always works hard and even does well under pressure. There was this one time where there was bases loaded, and he had two strikes and 2 outs. My mother shouts, "Smack that ball, Paul and I'll buy you Burger King!" Needless to say, it worked and he's been doing well since. He takes this seriously and wants to be a professional for the Boston Red Sox one day."

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Maybe we'll see you on the mound at Fenway someday Paul.

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